De Edge Next Consulting


The firm’s work is predicated on the principles of organizational Learning and Systems Thinking. A learning organization as defined by Peter Senge in his book ‘The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of The Learning Organization’, is an “organization where people continually expand their capacity to create the results, they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, where people are continually learning to see the whole.”

The basic rationale behind the firm’s programs is that in situations of rapid change, only those companies that are flexible, adaptive, and productive will succeed. Since organizational change require individual transformation before it becomes a collective effort, DeEdge Next’s programs provide an experiential learning environment in which people get the tools and skills to face up to the demands of contemporary organizations. It allows them to recreate themselves and this applies to both individuals and organizations. Learning is attained in action for new results.

Leadership program offerings include: Four (4) Level Leadership

DeEdge Next customizes these programs to meet the specific client’s needs. They are tailored to provide to participants, the best possible combination of learning experiences that foster growth and transformation. De Edge offers a limited number of public programs, all conducted in person or virtually as part of a client’s arrangement.